
Connect your Zoom account


  • Double click on the Widget to open the Settings

  • Click on the "Event Integrations"

  • Click on "Connect Zoom"

  • You will be prompted to log in and to "Allow" Event Viewer access to pull your meetings

Getting started


  • Double click on the Widget to open the Settings

  • Click on the "Event Connections"

  • Click on "Disconnect"

  • Your widget will be updated and the zoom meetings will no longer be displayed

  • The Zoom access token is immediately revoked and there will be no access to your meetings unless you reconnect

Adding/Removing meetings

Once you have connected your Zoom account to Event Viewer any new meetings you add or remove will automatically be sync'd to Event Viewer. There is no need to republish you Wix site as Event Viewer ensures your calendar is up to date.

Experiencing a problem?

View our FAQ or contact chris@geteventviewer.com

Last updated